{{Cart.length}} items in your Quote Request


Data Weighing Systems offers a wide range of Setra and Sartorius balances for rental. Based on your unique application, we can recommend which unit will work best for you. We also can assist you with conformance to ISO, USP or other national and international standards.

You can also view our inventory of balances available for purchase.

Request a Balance Rental Quote

Please fill out the rental request form below. One of our representatives will contact you shortly afterward to provide you with the information you requested.

Tell us about your application, equipment requirements and dates needed.

Rental Services Available

  • On-site setup, calibration, and training
  • Delivery throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico
  • Resale rates for third part providers
  • Equipment Selection and planning assistance

{{CartLength}} items in your Product Compare

Limit {{Limit}} compare items. Please remove one to add more.





{{Spec.Key}}: {{Spec.Value}},
