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Discontinued Ohaus Products

Ohaus Scales and balances are recognized for their value and range of options. From their iconic Triple Beam mechanical balance to touch screen Semi-Micro balances you will find a weighing solution for any application.

Data Weighing Systems is a designated Ohaus Service Center for warranty and non-warranty repair. Contact us at 800-750-6842 for an RMA or tech support.

Active Ohaus Products


10 discontinued products

Moisture Balance MB45 and MB35

Ohaus Moisture Balance MB45 and MB35

Designed to quickly, effectively and affordably measure moisture content, the OHAUS MB Series Moisture Analyzers incorporate state-of-the-art halogen heating with precision weighing technology to give a fast and accurate method for moisture content determination. … more >

Models Available: 2

Product Details
Explorer Pro

Ohaus Explorer Pro

The Ohaus® Explorer Pro family of balances set the standard in weighing with a full range of capacities, from 62 g to 32000 g. The Explorer Pro family is the perfect choice for users who demand high performance in a dependable, easy-to-use workhorse balance. … more >

Product Details
Adventurer Pro

Ohaus Adventurer Pro

With multiple connectivity options, a weigh below hook, six application modes, and capacities from 51g to 8100g, the Adventurer Pro balances are the most versatile in their class. … more >

Models Available: 14

Product Details

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