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1700 HE tank mount
1700 HE tank mount
1700 HE tank mount
1700 HE tank mount
Rice Lake

Rice Lake 1700 HE tank mount

The 1700HE offers precision-machined, weld less construction to maximize pressure wash down cleaning effectiveness. This design, coupled with integral jacking/shipping bolts, eases installation and minimizes maintenance costs. Installs under the legs of new or existing tanks.

Models (10)



All stainless steel construction
Hermetically-sealed, stainless steel load cells,
IP66/68, guaranteed waterproof
OIML-certified load cells from 44 lb to 11,000 lb
Bolt-in-place design; module bolts directly to tank leg without requiring additional load buttons or mounting plates
Self-checking with lift-off/tip-over protection and jacking/shipping bolts
Load cell is isolated from overload in all directions
Weld less construction retains less residue and allows fast, thorough cleaning
2-year warranty



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