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Harvard Junior
Harvard Junior

Ohaus Harvard Junior

With the same accuracy of the flagship Harvard Trip, teach students the principles of comparative weighing with the kid-friendly Harvard Junior.

Models (1)

2,000 g x 0.5 g



The easy-grip carrying handle will help students and teacher alike securely move the balances around the classroom.

The balances can be stacked to minimize the amount of storage space needed, and the lock feature protects the balance from damage when in storage.

  • An eight piece weight set and bowls that fit on the weighing pans are included with every Harvard Junior.
  • Manual dampening device, spring-loaded zero adjust compensator
  • Construction: ABS base, pans and bowls, metal beam
  • Display: Steel pointer
  • Applications: Weighing

DWS understands scales and balances better than anyone and can find custom solutions perfect for any application.

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