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660 Series Weight Controllers
660 Series Weight Controllers
660 Series Weight Controllers
660 Series Weight Controllers
GSE Scale Systems

GSE Scale Systems 660 Series Weight Controllers

Macros empower you to customize your application with a comprehensive set of commands. All operator, process, communication and data functions can be controlled by macro commands. A macro applies the principals of Boolean logic in a sequential structure written and edited with any text editor. GSE offers a program called "GSE Com2" as a tool to write and download the macro programs.

Models (4)





Full Scale (F.S.): Selectable 0 to 999,999
Resolution: 100,000d displayed, +/- 500,000d internal
A/D Conversation: 60 Hz
Non-Linearity: 0.005% of F.S.
Calibration: Selectable, 5 point linearization or enter loadcell mV/V F.S.
Units of Measure: Programmable, user defined
Warranty: 2 Year
Excitation Current: 400 mA, short circuit protected
Excitation Voltage: 10 VDC, short circuit protected
Excitation Power: 14 - 350 ohm bridges
A/D Filtering: GSE FIR (finite input response) Filter with selectable display rate update
Span Adjustment: 0.1 - 20 mV/V
Zero Adjustment: Selectable, 0.01 -100% F.S.



Power input: 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Fuse: 0.8 amp slow blow
DC Output: +5VDC, +24VDC

Process Control 

I/O Scan Rate: 16ms maximum
Number of I/O: 128 combination, input and output
Maximum Voltage Ratings: 3-200 VDC @ 1A, 24-250 VAC @ 1A 0r 24-250VAC @ 3A
I/O Timer Resolution: 10 ms
PDIO Frequency: 8Hz - 100 Khz
PDIO Voltage: 5 VDC
Program Timer Res: 2ms up/down
Counter Input Frq: PDIO 8Hz - 100 KHz 


Port 1: RS232 bi-directional serial port
RS485 multi-drop optional
Port 2: RS232 full duplex
Port 3: RS232 full duplex
Port 4: RS232 full duplex or TTL interface to 4x20 VFD
Protocol: Modbus, device net, profibus pending
Baud Rate: 150-115K bps


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