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Load Monitoring Components
Load Monitoring Components
Cranesmart Systems

Cranesmart Systems Load Monitoring Components


Load Cells

Load Cells

A stainless steel, strain-gauged link component, which accurately senses weight on a lift line and wirelessly transmits data to a central display panel. … more >

Product Details
Anti-Two-Block Sensor

Anti-Two-Block Sensor

A sensor used to monitor a counterweight attached to the slow speed line of a travelling block. When the block makes contact with the counterweight, the A2B sensor sends an alarm signal to a central display panel. … more >

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Level Sensor

Level Sensor

Indicates if the crane is level (within 0.1° accuracy), sending a signal for alarm if necessary. The sensor is most useful in situations where there may be ground thaw, sinking mud or extreme wind. … more >

Product Details

DWS understands scales and balances better than anyone and can find custom solutions perfect for any application.

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